Our Core Values

The word of God is our only rule for faith and practice.

Secondly, we believe our calling is spelled out in our name and if we as members and attenders will simply know what our name is and live it out we will accomplish our calling from CHRIST THE KING.

So what is our name? Bethel Missionary Baptist Church.

Let’s start with BETHEL- (beth-EL’) meaning the House of God. Our first calling is to be reconciled to God by confessing our sins and accepting the finished work of CHRIST on the cross as a complete payment for our sins. Once we accept His gift, He indwells us by taking up residence through His Holy Spirit; we are His and He is ours. We have become a house of God. We call it having a personal, vibrant, love relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you are new to us, the most important issue to us is you being rightly related to God. And if you are a part of us the most important issue to us is that you stay rightly related to God.

MISSIONARY- each member and attender should see themselves as a self-support missionary to Franklin county and beyond. Because second only to you and I knowing Jesus Christ, the most important issue in our lives is sharing the wonderful good news of Jesus Christ. We all have not been called to leave our homes and go to a foreign mission field, but we have all been called to be missionaries in the mission field that we live in. You will often hear the words “tell your friends, neighbors, and relatives about what’s going on.” We strive to be an example of Christ to our community and live Christ-like in this world.

BAPTIST- knowing and living the specific distinctives found in the Bible. Once you have been reconciled to God and commit your life to helping others to be reconciled to God, what’s left is the day to day grind of life. This is where countless well-meaning folks get sidetracked, so there must be an “approach” to handle these difficulties, and yes there is an approach- it is called discipleship. You become a learner and follower of Jesus Christ. Thus, the word Baptist. There are biblical distinctives that mark us as Baptist and they are essentially the biblical road map to live this life.  It is the church’s calling and responsibility to teach each follower of Christ the biblical distinctives that they need to effectively live the life they have been called to live.  We have a responsibility to be available and teachable. An equipped (taught, discipled, trained) Christian is a capable (confident, effective, faithful) Christian.

CHURCH- we have a biblical responsibility to love and care for one another. The Church is a body, we all belong to one another. If we lose this, then we can be the greatest missionaries but we will lose our reputation. Jesus said, “by this shall men know that you are my disciples, if you show love one to another.”