Give — Jesus gave everything for us, and it’s our joy to give back to Him in support of the work He is doing here in Lonedell and around the world.

Online Giving

Set up a recurring payment or give a one-time donation through our church’s secure giving platform. You do not have to be a registered member to give online.


Sunday Worship

If you wish to present your gifts and offerings in person, we have a portion of the service where we collect offerings.

Mail Contributions

If you would prefer to send your contributions by mail, you may do so by making your check out to “Bethel Baptist Church” and mailing it to:

Bethel Baptist Church
569 Bethel Church Road
Lonedell, MO 63060

GENEROSITY changes lives – ours and the people to whom we give. At Bethel, taking action on your generosity is simple.

Tithing is our starting place in giving. The Bible teaches us about a baseline standard for giving: the tithe (a word that literally means a “tenth”). When we give the first 10% of our income through the local church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others.