The Shortcut to Christ-likeness
January 12, 2025
Pastor Ben Kingston shares the shortcut to Christ-Likeness. The service begins with the baptism of Adam Folks. The scripture passage today is Philippians 3:13-21.
1. Biblical disciplines to apply that directly lead to Christ-likeness
a. Daily penetrating Bible study
b. Daily strategic prayer
c. Daily putting on the armor
d. Weekly faithful church attendance and small group
e. Ruthless removal of sin
f. Daily begging for revival
g. Weekly striving to reach others for Christ
2. Statements to guide you
a. If you are not growing, it is because you are making a mental choice to avoid the disciplines that would result in growth.
b. If you cannot state in a few well thought out sentences what the mission and direction of the church is. Start with the Bethel approach.
c. The unevaluated life is a wasted life.
3. Questions to help you discern
a. Would this decision look more like discipline or selfishness?
b. Would this decision cause me to look more like Christ or less?