The Struggle, The Helper, and The Overcomer

February 20, 2022

Associate Pastor Brad Banderman explains the rest of the conversation that Jesus had with his disciples in John 16. Follow along in your bible in John 16:1-33. In this life we will have difficulty, but we don’t have to face it alone. We have help.

  1. The struggle vs 1-4
    a. Put out of synagogues
    b. Killed
    c. Looked upon as enemies of God.
  2. The Helper vs 5-16
    a. To convict sinners
    b. To condemn Satan
    c. To guide us
    d. Holy spirit promotes the Savior
  3. The overcomer vs 29-33
    a. The discples speak
    b. The Savior speaks

Future tense reality, Present tense attitude commanded because of past tense action.